Everything you need to know about your Spine - Spinal Posture during sitting

The spine is made of 27 vertebrae, a specific and highly intelligent design of the body to distribute load evenly. The natural S shape of the spine is also designed to further distribute load and prevent one area of the spine being overused.

When we sit, the natural S curve of the spine is lost and your body weight becomes concentrated on the lower back. Over time, we create a spinal posture during sitting where the imbalance of pressure distribution in the back can easily cause muscle and joint strain. If untreated, this can lead to stiffening of the spine which becomes more difficult and time consuming to resolve.

bad sitting posture

Another unwanted consequence of sitting is its negative impact on digestive function. All of your digestive organs are found inside your abdominal cavity. Your stomach, intestines, pancreas etc. all need sufficient space inside your abdomen to function properly. When we are seated and hunched over, are organs are compressed which makes it significantly harder for them to do their job. For instance, when the pancreas is compressed its ability to secrete digestive enzymes decreases which can lead to indigestion. You may notice that after a big meal your digestion improves if your stand compared to sitting.

Sitting down in front of a computer screen tends to place you in a "forward head" position, where your head is no longer stacked on top of your spine in proper alignment. This suboptimal head positioning puts excessive strain on the muscles and ligaments of your neck which can cause numerous ailments such as neck pain, cervicogenic headaches, hump neck or general fatigue.

osteopath Theo Chapman

If you look at the anatomy of the hips, they are designed to have extensive range of motion. If you observe a baby, their hips are so mobile they can easily put their feet behind their heads. As we age our hips become gradually less mobile, forcing the lower back to compensate which is unfavourable. Sitting accelerates this stiffening process considerably since the hips remain motionless while you are sitting at your desk. Motion is lotion. If a joint is not exposed to the movement it is designed for, for prolonged periods of time, it will gradually lose its mobility.


How can osteopathy help?

Osteopathy is the art and science of restoring health and vitality in an individuals' joints, muscles and nerves to eliminate pain and improve the body's capabilities.

We are medically trained to assess and diagnose what is causing your pain and dysfunction.

Instead of using pharmacology to treat your symptoms we use skilled manual therapy techniques to improve the function of your body directly, allowing you to live a life with less pain and more confidence.


Back or Neck Pain ? Book in your session with Osteopath Théo Chapman HERE

