Everything you need to know about your Spine - Spinal Posture during sitting
The spine is made of 27 vertebrae, a specific and highly intelligent design of the body to distribute load evenly. The natural S shape of...
Noisy joints...? What do those crepitus clicks and pops mean?
Possible reasons: Osteoarthritic (OA) changes OA is the wear and tear overtime of cartilage (bony surfaces in joints). OA has been shown...
Osteo? Physio? What exactly are the similarities and differences...?
There are arguably more similarities than differences between Osteopathy and Physiotherapy, both have the same aim - to help individuals...
1) DON’T hunch over your laptop It’s easy to work on your laptop for a few hours on the weekend, but doing so for 40-plus hours a week...
"LONG COVID - from a TCM perspective"
After being infected with Covid-19, many recovering patients come to find that their bodies feel weakened. Some people may feel...
Osteopathy for women of all ages.
Women’s health The female body is unique and requires a specialised response and women have diverse health needs, not only due to their...
Optimizing Outcomes: Adding Corrective Exercise to your Manual Therapy Treatment
Manual therapy has consistently shown to be effective in treating musculoskeletal conditions, although an increasing amount of evidence...
Sports Injury Prevention Tips For Kids
​With limited travel this summer, more children have signed up for sports activities than ever before. Sport helps children and...
Back pain, what to do?
Neck pain? Perhaps too much time spent hunched over your computer...? In this article we give you some tips on things you can do at home,...
The Desk Effect
Why does sitting at a desk all day make us so tired? Do you feel fatigued, sore or head achy after a long day's work behind a computer?...